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Stupid soul

 Stupid soul
Categories: Great quotes

Idiots of the soul

I am accustomed to the fact that there is a door for every human being, which leads you to his soul, to his friendship, to understanding his logic and his way of thinking, but there are people with souls sealed with red wax that cannot be reached. With these people, it is better to avoid them and not waste your time. With them. I cannot define these people, but you know them easily when you see them. The distinguishing characteristic of these people is not evil, but the quality of stupidity. They are all stupid, and the stupidity of the soul is very different from the stupidity of the mind. You can never love someone with a stupid soul, while you can easily love someone with limited intelligence. Good heart. There are workers, building doormen, and vegetable sellers in the market. All of them have not received any education and most of them are of limited intelligence, but I feel a lot of comfort and fun with them, while I may meet a university professor with a stupid spirit and I cannot stand five minutes. You offer him a service and he will not be grateful to you. You apologize for a mistake you committed against him, and he insults you as if you didn't say anything and didn't apologize. You caress him and he does not laugh, or you caress him but he does not understand the joke and he curses you. There is a short story or a wonderful article by the genius Muhammad Afifi in which he tells about a woman of this caliber whom he met with a friend of his. He says to her: “Imagine that people think Hitler is a Muslim? Ha ha.” This was during the Second World War, but the woman said in a gullible manner: “What? Is it possible for a Muslim to be in his heart? Has anyone opened his chest and seen?! In the end, he felt that this state hated him and his existence, as if there was a serious accusation called (the accusation of being alive). I knew many of these people and learned over time not to care about them. I don't have to convince every person on earth to love me. Stay away from them as if they were infected with the plague. The real disaster is that you have to deal with them and there is no escape for you, for one of them to be your boss or your partner. Cursed to be your husband or wife!

Article: Stupid souls #Ahmed_Khaled_Tawfiq

Categories: Great quotes
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